14 Best Grocery Shopping List Apps To Download Right Now

You know the drill: you need one specific item, so you go to the grocery store to get it, only to stock up on everything else and forgetting the item you actually need. There you have it, all your meal planning just went out the window. This has happened to us more times than we can count and we always ended up eating out with the kids. Probably eating the same chicken dish you would have made at home.

But the good news is that there are several grocery shopping apps that can make that little oversight into ancient (well, recent) history. Sure, you could go with a good old-fashioned pen-and-paper grocery list, but it’s really easy to forget it and leave it at home. When you use these apps, the list will be on your phone and (hopefully) you won’t leave that behind. So enable your phone’s wifi and download the best grocery shopping list apps now (or at least pick one and try that).

1. Our Groceries

The Our Groceries app synchronizes your entire family’s shopping lists. So let’s say you’re heading to the store and your son realizes he’s out of jerky. He can add it to the list, and you’ll see it before you leave the store without dried meat.

2. List Ease

Like the Our Groceries app, you can synch up your family’s shopping lists. But List Ease also lets you virtually clip coupons and add them to the list, so they’re ready whenever anyone needs them.

3. Out of Milk

The Out of Milk app synchs up lists too, and also allows you to add items using Alexa or the Google voice assistant. It also comes with handy list templates to help you know what you’re going to need for things like party planning, cleaning your house, and a plant-based product app.

4. Flipp

The Flipp app has all the bells and whistles of the other apps on this list, but with an added bonus. Flipp automatically searches for coupons for your favorite grocery store brands, and scans your local supermarket’s circular so you know what’s on sale and when to stock up.

5. Grocery iQ

If you’ve ever been grocery shopping and come across a product that you don’t necessarily need right now but could be interested in in the future, the Grocery iQ app is for you. Just snap a photo of the product and the app will add it to your next shopping list.

6. Grocery Pal

If you’re always on the hunt for supermarket bargains, you’re going to want to download the Grocery Pal right now. It takes the guess work out of figuring out which store around you (including big box stores like Target and Walmart) has the best prices on the products you love.

7. Buy Me a Pie

The Buy Me a Pie app doesn’t only help you create lists, but it also allows you to customize those lists based on how the aisles are set up at your regular grocery store. Gone will be the days of forgetting something in the produce section and having to wind your way upstream through the grocery store to get the garlic.

8. BigOven

The BigOven app is what you get when you cross shopping lists and social media. Sure, you can organize your own list, but you can also compare yours with friends’ lists to see what they’ve been buying and cooking for some inspiration.

9. Yummly

Though not technically a grocery shopping list app at its core, Yummly lets you scan the products you have at home to figure out what you can make from the pantry, fridge, and freezer. It then automatically adds anything else you may need for a recipe to your shopping list.

10. Mealboard

If your grocery shopping app could have eyes and ears inside your kitchen then Mealboard would be it. Not only can you keep tabs of what you have or don’t have in your pantry and in the fridge, this app will also organize your shopping list and spit out recipes that you’ve stored. Think of it as a meal manager/calendar that will help you create a shopping list tailored to your next meal.

11. AnyList

Let’s say you’re running late from work or school pick up and won’t be able to get to the grocery store to pick up your list of ingredients for tonight’s dinner. That’s not a problem. With AnyList, you can share your grocery list with anyone. And if you make changes while they’re already at the supermarket, no problem, AnyList makes an instant update to everyone sharing the list. It also groups like foods by category so you don’t have to walk back to produce because you forgot an onion.

12. Key Ring

Some people like to collect stamps while others collect grocery store coupon cards. Hey, a hobby’s a hobby, no judgment here. But if you’re looking for a more streamlined way of accessing all those cards, avoid clutter in your wallet, and consolidate all your rewards and memberships in one place. That’s when Key Ring comes in clutch. By the way, Key Ring is not just for grocery shopping either, your memberships at Target, Walmart, your local pharmacy chain, and even office supply chains can all be gathered in one app.

13. Cozi Family Organizer

Say your teens want to add items and snacks to your shopping list but can’t reach you or you’re already at the supermarket. Not a problem with Cozi Family Organizer, the app easily connects the whole family together so everyone can add their own requests. The app organizes the lists by sections so you won’t be grabbing apples, then milk, then mushrooms, then meat. The app can connect up to 12 users so your nanny, grandparents, housekeeper, or house sitter can all have access if you so choose.

14. Mealime

This app allows you to meal plan around special dietary restrictions and preferences and once you’ve completed your perfect menu, it adds all the ingredients to your shopping list for easy referral at the supermarket. No more adding ingredients one-by-one, you can have a grocery list ready to go in minutes!

Save time and money at the supermarket with the best grocery shopping list apps out there. A quick download will make the shopping process much easier.Homepage, your life, family life, foodScary Mommy

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