When Should I Tell Others I’m Pregnant?

You’re having a baby—congratulations! Once that line on the home pregnancy test showed up, you probably screamed a little or felt a little electric charge of excitement flow through you. The next thing you most likely did was to start making a mental “Who do I tell first?” list, right? Having a baby is happy news not only for you but for your partner, family, friends, and coworkers. So when should you let the world in on your secret?

When to Announce a Pregnancy: So What Do Other Moms Do?

 According to a pregnancy-wear website, survey results of their community show that a whopping 50% of respondents told their family members by the time mama was 7 weeks along. But when it came to announcing pregnancy to the rest of her social and work circles, only 1% of respondents felt comfortable enough to tell everyone so early in the pregnancy. The greatest percentage of women (32%) waited till the end of their first trimester. According to experts, the most likely reason they wait is the very real possibility of miscarrying in the first 12 weeks.

The Risk of First-Trimester Miscarriage Can Affect When to Announce Your Pregnancy

Studies have shown 10–15% of all clinically-recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage, with 80% of these occurring in the first trimester. Miscarrying is usually a traumatic and devastating experience for a woman and can trouble the relationship with her partner too as each parent works out their emotions. That acute stress may be exacerbated if she’s already told her coworkers or those she’s not super-close to about the pregnancy. No wonder so many parents wait to tell their larger social ecosystem—or let the growing baby bump speak for them—until the statistics of maintaining a healthy pregnancy are in their favor.

But Can’t I Tell my Closest Family Sooner than 12 Weeks?

Of course you can—it’s your choice! When you’re bubbling over with excitement, it’s natural to want to let your nearest and dearest in on the joyous news; and it’s never too early to start building a pregnancy support system that can be a resource for you when things are tough (morning sickness!) and things are great (time for a gender-reveal party!).

Tell ‘Em Now or Bump It ‘Til Later?

Most women (either alone or with her partner) weigh the pros and cons about when to spill the beans and then decide. The bottom line is, it’s a deeply-personal choice and there really is no right and wrong when it comes to announcing your pregnancy—just what works for you and what you’re comfortable with.

Pink or Blue—Which is it for You?

One of the happiest times in pregnancy is discovering if you’re having a boy or a girl. The Peekaboo Early Gender Detection DNA Test is endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association and provides an answer at just 7 weeks with 99.5% accuracy.

Compiled using information from the following sources:

Medical News Today
Psychology Today



The post When Should I Tell Others I’m Pregnant? appeared first on American Pregnancy Association.

You’re having a baby—congratulations! Once that line on the home pregnancy test showed up, you probably screamed a little or felt a little electric charge of excitement flow through you. The next thing you most likely did was to start making a mental “Who do I tell first?” list, right? Having a baby is happy
The post When Should I Tell Others I’m Pregnant? appeared first on American Pregnancy Association.American Pregnancy Association

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